
Hi, I’m Jennifer Lozada (Albino Black Cat, jenocidal9 primarily). I’m a self-taught traditional artist who experiments in medium and form.


I’ve been known to dabble in digital art (for example, emotes for Twitch), watercolor painting, line work, and acrylic pours! I’ve been drawing all my life but after a long hiatus, I started working on my craft again in the past 5 or 6 years. I do have some formal education, but for the most part it is a lot of trial and error.

I’m also a streamer on Twitch. Whether it’s vibing out, relaxing with some line work, finding the best colors to use on a new pour, or just screaming my head off in Skyrim, it’s always a good time. I foster a community of like-minded artists/nerds who share a love of art in all its forms. Come hang out sometime! At the very least I promise you’ll laugh.

I'm based out of the East Coast of the United States where I live with my husband.

What happened to Winchester? We found out he had pancreatic cancer in February 2023 and on May 26 he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. He was a good boy and gave us 16 years of his life.